Why do Dogssmell your Crotch? 

Wecan often see dogs smelling our crotch area whenever we get back home after work. As a result of which some people like this behavior of their pet and others just say I hate my puppy.

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We can often seedogs smelling our crotch area whenever we get back home after work. As a result of which some people like this behavior of their pet and others just say I hate my puppy. But have you ever tried to figure out why dogs do so? Why they are keen to smell our groin area rather than any other part of our body? Well, there is a legit reason behind it which dogs are responsible for this type of behavior? Today we will try to analyze this behavior of the dogs and why they are always smelling our crotch and that is too out of curiosity. Have a look at the genuine facts related to this behavior of your pet below.

Why do Dogssmell the Crotch area of our body?

There aremultiple reasons why dogs smell our crotch whenever we come back home. If your dog is also doing this you must be eager to know the reason behind it. Well, we will learn about this behavior of the dogs and the reasons behind it here. Have a look at these causes as listed below;

1.The sweat andodor glands are more in this area

The first andvery important reason behind smelling the crotch area of dogs is that we have sweat glands across this area in the body. As a result of which they try to smell our body odor by smelling the crotch. This is the supreme cause behind the smell of our crotch area by dogs. You can see whenever dogs approach near our crotch area they try to smell the body. So this is the primary cause why
dogs are so much obsessed with smelling our groin and nearby area. The majority of our sweat glands lie across our crotch which is the reason why dogs primarily smell the same place.

2. By smellingour body odor they try to recognize us

The second causebehind smelling the groin area of dogs is that they can recognize us through our smell. Since the smelling power of the dogs is very high they can easily smell our body odor which is present possible when they smell our groin arena. So if you are returning home after a long period of time and have changed your looks drastically then they smell your crotch. This is the way dogs try to recognize you as your master through your body odor. That is why dogs are considered very smart to keep people in their memory for a long time period.

3. They get toknow about your vibes through your sweat glands

When your pet issmelling your crotch area it tries to get an idea about your vibes. If you are feeling angry or happy they can tell you very well by smelling your sweat glands or we can say body odor. So this is another legit reason why dogs are obsessed with smelling your groin area when you come back. You can experiment with this thing next time your dog is trying to smell your groin area. You will realize that it is able to figure out your mood based on the smell coming from your sweat glands. So this adds to one more reason why dogs smell your groin or we can say crotch area.

4. They canrecognize the dangerous people

Dogs are verywell trained and have a god-gifted sense to know which people are good and to whom they have to kick out of your home. Whenever a stranger visits your home the dog tries to smell his crotch so that it can omit the risk from your home. They are able to sift out the negative vibes that are coming from the body odor of a dangerous person. So if you are living in an area that is prone to thieves and other risks dogs can save you from any unfortunate accident through their smell glands. So this is the last reason why dogs smell our crotch every time they meet us.


So these are themain reasons why dogs smell our crotch. Every time a new person visits our home they tend to smell his crotch to know whether he emits good vibes or not. At the same time, they smell their owners to check out their moods and recognize them. That is the reason why dogs are admired when it comes to choosing a good pet for home. You can also choose a pet for your home in the form of a dog to
play with it and connect with love. Majority of the people trust dogs as their pets because they are also relevant when it comes to security causes. So they can be your good companion and can provide the best security too.